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border-bottom:1px dotted #9b9;

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Wednesday, January 18, 2023">Screenshot von .

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." itemprop="url" HREF="

 Propecia is the brand name of the drug finasteride, which is a prescription medication used to treat hair loss in men. It's also used to treat an enlarged prostate.

Propecia is a very powerful tool for treating hair loss and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). In fact, it's the most potent drug for treating both conditions.

If it's approved for your condition by your doctor, it can be a very effective treatment for hair loss or BPH. But it's not without side effects, so make sure you understand them before starting treatment.

Propecia Finasteride is the only treatment approved by the FDA to treat male pattern hair loss and male baldness.

Propecia finasteride is the only medication approved by the FDA to treat hair loss

Propecia (finasteride) is the most potent and effective drug ever developed for the treatment of male pattern hair loss. Propecia has been proven to regrow up to 90% of lost hair in men.

Propecia is the most potent tool for treating hair loss and benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, in men. FDA approved since 1997, Propecia has been shown to regrow hair in up to 79% of men who take it


Screenshot von <h3 class=." hspace=10 vspace=4 itemprop="screenshot" SRC="

" BORDER=0 ALIGN=left>

" itemprop="url" href="

 Propecia is the brand name of the drug finasteride, which is a prescription medication used to treat hair loss in men. It's also used to treat an enlarged prostate.

Propecia is a very powerful tool for treating hair loss and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). In fact, it's the most potent drug for treating both conditions.

If it's approved for your condition by your doctor, it can be a very effective treatment for hair loss or BPH. But it's not without side effects, so make sure you understand them before starting treatment.

Propecia Finasteride is the only treatment approved by the FDA to treat male pattern hair loss and male baldness.

Propecia finasteride is the only medication approved by the FDA to treat hair loss

Propecia (finasteride) is the most potent and effective drug ever developed for the treatment of male pattern hair loss. Propecia has been proven to regrow up to 90% of lost hair in men.

Propecia is the most potent tool for treating hair loss and benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, in men. FDA approved since 1997, Propecia has been shown to regrow hair in up to 79% of men who take it

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Screenshot von .

Should I do a CT scan of the lungs with a coronavirus infection?

." itemprop="url" HREF="

Approaches to the treatment of COVID-19 were formed and changed as information about the course of the infection became available, understanding of the mechanisms of its development and possible consequences based on the analysis of a large number of international publications and research results, and accumulating clinical experience. A year after the start of the pandemic, there are still no etiotropic therapy drugs with proven efficacy in the arsenal of used drugs.

">Should I do a CT scan of the lungs with a coronavirus infection?


Should I do a CT scan of the lungs with a coronavirus infection?

Screenshot von <p style=Should I do a CT scan of the lungs with a coronavirus infection?

." hspace=10 vspace=4 itemprop="screenshot" SRC="

COVID-19 antigens, recognized as an absolute marker of infection, are detected by PCR. As for computed tomography, it does not detect the pathogen itself, but allows you to confirm or refute the presence of specific viral pneumonia.

" BORDER=0 ALIGN=left>

What are the treatments for coronavirus pneumonia?

Should I do a CT scan of the lungs with a coronavirus infection?

" itemprop="url" href="

Approaches to the treatment of COVID-19 were formed and changed as information about the course of the infection became available, understanding of the mechanisms of its development and possible consequences based on the analysis of a large number of international publications and research results, and accumulating clinical experience. A year after the start of the pandemic, there are still no etiotropic therapy drugs with proven efficacy in the arsenal of used drugs.

">Mehr Informationen zu

Should I do a CT scan of the lungs with a coronavirus infection?


" />

Should I do a CT scan of the lungs with a coronavirus infection?

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Due to the frequent false-negative results of the primary PCR study and the absence of classic signs in SARS, computed tomography (CT) is becoming the most informative way to diagnose COVID-19.

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Should I do a CT scan of the lungs with a coronavirus infection?

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CT scan for coronavirus infection is done even if the test for COVID-19 shows a negative result.html" rel=”nofollow”> Private Lizenz von bestellen (Rechnung) für

For whom is a lung CT recommended in the first place?

Should I do a CT scan of the lungs with a coronavirus infection?

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Computed tomography is not performed for prophylactic purposes. The study is considered necessary when symptoms of the disease appear in the following situations:

Should I do a CT scan of the lungs with a coronavirus infection?

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CT scan for coronavirus infection is done even if the test for COVID-19 shows a negative result.html"> Lizenz per Kreditkarte kaufen und sofort downloaden

coronavirus infection, it is necessary to monitor the amount of fluid consumed.

." itemprop="url" HREF="

Basic rules of rehabilitation:

">coronavirus infection, it is necessary to monitor the amount of fluid consumed.


With COVID-19 pneumonia, non-drug methods occupy an important place - prone position (lying on the stomach) as an independent therapeutic measure, oxygen therapy, options for hardware respiratory support. In all cases of coronavirus infection, it is necessary to monitor the amount of fluid consumed.

Screenshot von <p>With COVID-19 pneumonia, non-drug methods occupy an important place - prone position (lying on the stomach) as an independent therapeutic measure, oxygen therapy, options for hardware respiratory support. In all cases of <a href=coronavirus infection, it is necessary to monitor the amount of fluid consumed.

." hspace=10 vspace=4 itemprop="screenshot" SRC="

Despite the algorithmization of therapeutic approaches, which is undoubtedly important in epidemic conditions, the volume of pharmacotherapy and the choice of specific drugs from each group are determined by the doctor, and only based on the specific clinical situation and the individual characteristics of the patient.

" BORDER=0 ALIGN=left>

How to restore the lungs after coronavirus pneumonia?

coronavirus infection, it is necessary to monitor the amount of fluid consumed.

" itemprop="url" href="

Basic rules of rehabilitation:

">Mehr Informationen zu

With COVID-19 pneumonia, non-drug methods occupy an important place - prone position (lying on the stomach) as an independent therapeutic measure, oxygen therapy, options for hardware respiratory support. In all cases of coronavirus infection, it is necessary to monitor the amount of fluid consumed.


" />

coronavirus infection, it is necessary to monitor the amount of fluid consumed.

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Taking into account the mechanisms of the development of the disease, the pharmacotherapy algorithm for COVID-19 pneumonia includes antiviral drugs, drugs for the prevention of thrombosis, hormonal anti-inflammatory therapy, and if there are signs of a bacterial infection, antibiotics.

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coronavirus infection, it is necessary to monitor the amount of fluid consumed.

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Nebulizer therapy should be used only for health reasons.html" rel=”nofollow”> Private Lizenz von bestellen (Rechnung) für

At home, it is possible to treat non-severe pneumonia in a person without risk factors, if there are conditions that ensure isolation and adherence to treatment recommendations, as well as medical (including remote) control.

coronavirus infection, it is necessary to monitor the amount of fluid consumed.

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Is it possible to do inhalation with coronavirus pneumonia?

coronavirus infection, it is necessary to monitor the amount of fluid consumed.

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With a coronavirus infection, inhalations (steam inhalations, nebulizer therapy), as aerosol-forming procedures, should be abandoned. Exceptions are dosing inhalation devices - aerosol and powder, used for constant basic therapy and emergency care for chronic diseases - bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

coronavirus infection, it is necessary to monitor the amount of fluid consumed.

über unseren Partner Shareit" href="sharebest-

Nebulizer therapy should be used only for health reasons.html"> Lizenz per Kreditkarte kaufen und sofort downloaden


  • Perform aerobic exercise in a sitting position or even lying down and reclining. You can do the exercise bicycle, loads on the hands are required. If additional weight is used when training hands, then the principle here is this - less weight - more repetitions. You can train on an exercise bike, but you need to start from a more horizontal position. It is important that the exercises should be regular and with a fairly high frequency - from 4 to 6 days a week. Increase the load smoothly and gradually.
  • With active cardio loads, you will probably have to wait a long time. In any case, you need to start with walking. Then gradually you can use the bike. But the best thing is to walk and walk, breathe fresh air. Improving gas exchange is also rehabilitation!
  • We eat right! In this case, this means: eat in small portions, pay attention to the fact that there were enough calories, no rigid diets. The body needs both proteins and fats. Carbohydrates are also important, but sweets should be replaced with a lot of fiber (vegetables, greens). This normalizes digestion and increases the emotional background.
  • Sleep after an illness is necessary for at least 7 hours. We ventilate the bedroom before going to bed, slow down physical activity 2-3 hours before bedtime. If there is such an opportunity, then before going to bed it is better to take a walk and not overeat, finish dinner 1.5 - 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Try not to use gadgets right before going to bed, because it causes overexcitation of the nervous system. Don't take your phone to bed with you. Because if you woke up in the middle of the night, and you have a phone at hand, the likelihood that you will start reading something is high. And as soon as you read something, the brain has already rebuilt to other activities.
  • We are all now in a state of stress, both those who have been ill and those who have not been ill. A feature of this infection is hypoxia, oxygen starvation. This may be a prerequisite for the development of anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression. In such cases, psychological support is needed - seek qualified help.
  • Control your vitamin D levels. If the analyzes reveal its insufficiency, it will be necessary to take it additionally.
  • Alcohol is excluded. Yes, some doctors from Italy, for example, write that a glass of wine would not hurt. But in the early stages of rehabilitation, alcohol is contraindicated. Since the vessels were subject to a serious attack of the virus during the illness, it is not worth exposing them to an alcohol load during the rehabilitation period.
  • ">

    1. Perform aerobic exercise in a sitting position or even lying down and reclining. You can do the exercise bicycle, loads on the hands are required. If additional weight is used when training hands, then the principle here is this - less weight - more repetitions. You can train on an exercise bike, but you need to start from a more horizontal position. It is important that the exercises should be regular and with a fairly high frequency - from 4 to 6 days a week. Increase the load smoothly and gradually.
    2. With active cardio loads, you will probably have to wait a long time. In any case, you need to start with walking. Then gradually you can use the bike. But the best thing is to walk and walk, breathe fresh air. Improving gas exchange is also rehabilitation!
    3. We eat right! In this case, this means: eat in small portions, pay attention to the fact that there were enough calories, no rigid diets. The body needs both proteins and fats. Carbohydrates are also important, but sweets should be replaced with a lot of fiber (vegetables, greens). This normalizes digestion and increases the emotional background.
    4. Sleep after an illness is necessary for at least 7 hours. We ventilate the bedroom before going to bed, slow down physical activity 2-3 hours before bedtime. If there is such an opportunity, then before going to bed it is better to take a walk and not overeat, finish dinner 1.5 - 2 hours before bedtime.
    5. Try not to use gadgets right before going to bed, because it causes overexcitation of the nervous system. Don't take your phone to bed with you. Because if you woke up in the middle of the night, and you have a phone at hand, the likelihood that you will start reading something is high. And as soon as you read something, the brain has already rebuilt to other activities.
    6. We are all now in a state of stress, both those who have been ill and those who have not been ill. A feature of this infection is hypoxia, oxygen starvation. This may be a prerequisite for the development of anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression. In such cases, psychological support is needed - seek qualified help.
    7. Control your vitamin D levels. If the analyzes reveal its insufficiency, it will be necessary to take it additionally.
    8. Alcohol is excluded. Yes, some doctors from Italy, for example, write that a glass of wine would not hurt. But in the early stages of rehabilitation, alcohol is contraindicated. Since the vessels were subject to a serious attack of the virus during the illness, it is not worth exposing them to an alcohol load during the rehabilitation period.

    Screenshot von <p></p><ol style=
  • Perform aerobic exercise in a sitting position or even lying down and reclining. You can do the exercise bicycle, loads on the hands are required. If additional weight is used when training hands, then the principle here is this - less weight - more repetitions. You can train on an exercise bike, but you need to start from a more horizontal position. It is important that the exercises should be regular and with a fairly high frequency - from 4 to 6 days a week. Increase the load smoothly and gradually.
  • With active cardio loads, you will probably have to wait a long time. In any case, you need to start with walking. Then gradually you can use the bike. But the best thing is to walk and walk, breathe fresh air. Improving gas exchange is also rehabilitation!
  • We eat right! In this case, this means: eat in small portions, pay attention to the fact that there were enough calories, no rigid diets. The body needs both proteins and fats. Carbohydrates are also important, but sweets should be replaced with a lot of fiber (vegetables, greens). This normalizes digestion and increases the emotional background.
  • Sleep after an illness is necessary for at least 7 hours. We ventilate the bedroom before going to bed, slow down physical activity 2-3 hours before bedtime. If there is such an opportunity, then before going to bed it is better to take a walk and not overeat, finish dinner 1.5 - 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Try not to use gadgets right before going to bed, because it causes overexcitation of the nervous system. Don't take your phone to bed with you. Because if you woke up in the middle of the night, and you have a phone at hand, the likelihood that you will start reading something is high. And as soon as you read something, the brain has already rebuilt to other activities.
  • We are all now in a state of stress, both those who have been ill and those who have not been ill. A feature of this infection is hypoxia, oxygen starvation. This may be a prerequisite for the development of anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression. In such cases, psychological support is needed - seek qualified help.
  • Control your vitamin D levels. If the analyzes reveal its insufficiency, it will be necessary to take it additionally.
  • Alcohol is excluded. Yes, some doctors from Italy, for example, write that a glass of wine would not hurt. But in the early stages of rehabilitation, alcohol is contraindicated. Since the vessels were subject to a serious attack of the virus during the illness, it is not worth exposing them to an alcohol load during the rehabilitation period.
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    Viral pneumonia is an acute inflammation of the respiratory sections of the lungs caused by viral pathogens, occurring with a syndrome of intoxication and respiratory disorders. In childhood, viral pneumonia accounts for about 90% of all cases of pneumonia. In the structure of adult morbidity, bacterial pneumonia predominates, and viral pneumonias account for 4–39% of the total number (people over 65 years of age are more likely to get sick). The frequency of occurrence of viral pneumonia is closely related to the epidemiological outbreaks of SARS - their rise occurs in the autumn-winter period. In pulmonology, primary viral pneumonia (interstitial with a benign course and hemorrhagic with a malignant course) and secondary (viral-bacterial pneumonia - early and late) are distinguished.


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    Viral pneumonia is an acute inflammation of the respiratory sections of the lungs caused by viral pathogens, occurring with a syndrome of intoxication and respiratory disorders. In childhood, viral pneumonia accounts for about 90% of all cases of pneumonia. In the structure of adult morbidity, bacterial pneumonia predominates, and viral pneumonias account for 4–39% of the total number (people over 65 years of age are more likely to get sick). The frequency of occurrence of viral pneumonia is closely related to the epidemiological outbreaks of SARS - their rise occurs in the autumn-winter period. In pulmonology, primary viral pneumonia (interstitial with a benign course and hemorrhagic with a malignant course) and secondary (viral-bacterial pneumonia - early and late) are distinguished.

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    viral pneumonia against the background of influenza increases significantly during periods of epidemics of a respiratory infection. In this case">

    Causes of viral pneumonia

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    Parainfluenza pneumonia often affects newborns and young children. It has a small-focal (less often confluent) character and proceeds against the background of catarrhal phenomena. Respiratory disorders and intoxication syndrome are moderate, body temperature usually does not exceed subfebrile values. Severe forms of viral pneumonia with parainfluenza in children occur with severe hyperthermia, convulsions, anorexia, diarrhea, and hemorrhagic syndrome. A feature of respiratory syncytial pneumonia is the development of severe obstructive bronchiolitis. The defeat of the lower parts of the respiratory tract is marked by an increase in body temperature up to 38–39 ° C, a deterioration in the general condition. Due to spasm and blockage of small bronchi with mucus and desquamated epithelium, breathing becomes sharply difficult and rapid, cyanosis of the nasolabial and periorbital region develops. The cough is frequent, wet, but due to the increased viscosity of sputum, it is unproductive. With this type of viral pneumonia, attention is drawn to the discrepancy between intoxication (moderately expressed) and the degree of respiratory failure (extremely pronounced).

    ">Causes of viral pneumonia">

    Causes of viral pneumonia

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    Primary viral pneumonia manifests itself in the first 3 days after infection, and after 3-5 days the bacterial flora joins, and the pneumonia becomes mixed - viral-bacterial. Persons at increased risk of viral pneumonia include young children, patients over 65 years of age, people with weakened immune systems, cardiopulmonary pathology (heart defects, severe arterial hypertension, coronary artery disease, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema) and others. associated chronic diseases.

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    Mild cases of viral pneumonia caused by the influenza virus are characterized by mild symptoms and end in recovery. Severe forms occur with constant high fever, respiratory failure, collapse. Among the complications are frequent influenza encephalitis and meningitis, otitis, pyelonephritis. The addition of a secondary bacterial infection often leads to lung abscesses or pleural empyema. Possible death during the first week of the disease.

    Causes of viral pneumonia

    " itemprop="url" href="

    Parainfluenza pneumonia often affects newborns and young children. It has a small-focal (less often confluent) character and proceeds against the background of catarrhal phenomena. Respiratory disorders and intoxication syndrome are moderate, body temperature usually does not exceed subfebrile values. Severe forms of viral pneumonia with parainfluenza in children occur with severe hyperthermia, convulsions, anorexia, diarrhea, and hemorrhagic syndrome. A feature of respiratory syncytial pneumonia is the development of severe obstructive bronchiolitis. The defeat of the lower parts of the respiratory tract is marked by an increase in body temperature up to 38–39 ° C, a deterioration in the general condition. Due to spasm and blockage of small bronchi with mucus and desquamated epithelium, breathing becomes sharply difficult and rapid, cyanosis of the nasolabial and periorbital region develops. The cough is frequent, wet, but due to the increased viscosity of sputum, it is unproductive. With this type of viral pneumonia, attention is drawn to the discrepancy between intoxication (moderately expressed) and the degree of respiratory failure (extremely pronounced).

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    Causes of viral pneumonia

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    The spectrum of causative agents of viral pneumonia is extremely wide. The most common etiological agents are influenza A and B viruses, parainfluenza, adenovirus. Individuals with immunodeficiencies are more susceptible to viral pneumonia caused by the herpes virus and cytomegalovirus. Pneumonias initiated by enteroviruses, hantavirus, metapneumovirus, Epstein-Barr virus are less commonly diagnosed. SARS-associated coronavirus is the causative agent of severe acute respiratory syndrome, better known as SARS. In young children, viral pneumonias are often caused by respiratory syncytial virus, measles, and varicella.

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    Causes of viral pneumonia" href="bestell-

    The incidence of viral pneumonia against the background of influenza increases significantly during periods of epidemics of a respiratory infection. In this case.html" rel=”nofollow”> Private Lizenz von bestellen (Rechnung) für

    Symptoms of viral pneumonia

    Causes of viral pneumonia" href="bestell- against the background of typical symptoms of SARS (fever.html" rel=”nofollow”> Gewerbliche Lizenz bestellen (Rechnung) für

    Depending on the etiological agent, viral pneumonia can occur with varying degrees of severity, complications, and outcomes. Inflammation of the lungs usually joins from the first days of SARS.
    Causes of viral pneumonia" href="bestell- severe weakness.html" rel=”nofollow”> Lizenz zum Weiterverkauf der Bilder/Systeme bestellen (Rechnung) für Thus, the defeat of the respiratory sections of the respiratory tract is a frequent companion of adenovirus infection. The onset of pneumonia in most cases is acute, with high fever (38-39°), cough, severe pharyngitis, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, and painful lymphadenopathy. The temperature in adenoviral pneumonia lasts for a long time (up to 10-15 days), it is characterized by large daily fluctuations. Frequent, short cough, shortness of breath, acrocyanosis, various wet rales in the lungs are characteristic. In general, adenoviral pneumonia is distinguished by a long-term preservation of clinical and radiological changes, a tendency to a recurrent course and complications (pleurisy, otitis media).

    Causes of viral pneumonia über unseren Partner Shareit" href="sharebest-

    The incidence of viral pneumonia against the background of influenza increases significantly during periods of epidemics of a respiratory infection. In this case.html"> Lizenz per Kreditkarte kaufen und sofort downloaden

    Forecast and prevention of viral pneumonia">


    Enteroviral pneumonia, the causative agents of which are Coxsackie and ECHO viruses, proceed with poor physical and radiological data. In the clinical picture, concomitant meningeal, intestinal, and cardiovascular disorders come to the fore, making diagnosis difficult.

    Diagnosis and treatment of viral pneumonia">Screenshot von <p>Enteroviral pneumonia, the causative agents of which are Coxsackie and ECHO viruses, proceed with poor physical and radiological data. In the clinical picture, concomitant meningeal, intestinal, and cardiovascular disorders come to the fore, making diagnosis difficult.</p>.

    In most cases, viral pneumonia ends in recovery within 14 days. In 30-40% of patients, a protracted course of the disease is noted with the preservation of clinical and radiological changes for 3-4 weeks, followed by the development of chronic bronchitis or chronic pneumonia. Morbidity and mortality from viral pneumonia is higher among young children and elderly patients.

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    Enteroviral pneumonia, the causative agents of which are Coxsackie and ECHO viruses, proceed with poor physical and radiological data. In the clinical picture, concomitant meningeal, intestinal, and cardiovascular disorders come to the fore, making diagnosis difficult.


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    A comprehensive assessment of objective data by a pulmonologist will allow to exclude atypical, aspiration pneumonia, obliterating bronchiolitis, heart attack-pneumonia, bronchogenic cancer, etc.

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    Hospitalization for viral pneumonia is indicated only for children under 1 year old, patients of the older age group (from 65 years old), and those with severe concomitant diseases (COPD, heart failure, diabetes mellitus). Patients are prescribed bed rest, drinking plenty of water, fortified, high-calorie meals.

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    Etiotropic therapy is prescribed depending on the viral pathogen: rimantadine, Tamiflu, Relenza - for influenza pneumonia, acyclovir - for herpes viral pneumonia, ganciclovir - for cytomegalovirus infection, ribavirin - for respiratory syncytial pneumonia and hantavirus damage, etc. Antibacterial agents are added only with a mixed nature of pneumonia or the development of purulent complications. As a symptomatic treatment, expectorants, antipyretics are used. In order to facilitate the discharge of sputum, medicinal inhalations and drainage massage are carried out. With severe toxicosis, intravenous infusion of solutions is carried out; with the development of respiratory failure - oxygen therapy.

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